I wrote the following application to help manage my want lists. This application allows me to
1) Change my list
2) Update my list from a list provided by a trading partner
3) Compare two lists and find cards in common. This is great for matchings cards I have against someone else's want list.
I find this tool to be helpful and thought others may also benefit. Instructions on usage are at the bottom of this page.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Some users may find they are not able to cut and paste information into the Cards text area. This is caused by a bug in the Java virtual machine running in your browser. Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do about it. If you go to Sun's website and install the latest Java virtual machine, this problem should go away.
If you like this tool, I encourage you to download it and run it on your computer. To download it, save the following file to your computer.
This program is a Java application and should run on most computers, regardless of the operating system. The command for running the application is:
java -jar wantlisthelper.jar
If you find these instructions confusing, you are not alone. They are targetted for an advanced user. Eventually, I will put together better instructions.
Before using this program, you should have your lists in one of the following formats:
1) 1,2,3*
2) 1.2.3*
3) 1-2-3*
4) 1 2 3*
If you want to indicate a run of cards, you can indicate a run by seperating the first number and last number with a '+'. For example, 1 to 100 would be 1+100
The asterisk indicates a trade is pending. You can mix and match formats. If you are going to use the dash as a delimiter, check the “Use ‘-‘ as Delimiter” checkbox. The reason the dash is treated this way is because some sets use a dash in card numbering.
The Generator tab main function is to remove or add cards from a list while the Comparator detects the similarities between two lists.